Results for "三牛代理注册【】送888元.mokm"

Projects All ( 44 )

Parallect Design

Kalakal Tibetan Cuisine and Culture Center 

In the northwestern part of Yunnan Province, in the Hengduan Mountains, there is a mysterious and tranquil place called "Shangri-La". This place Lo...


Xiachong Resorts Apartment Project 

本設計很好的詮釋了規劃、建築、景觀一體化的概念,三者融為一體,密不可分。景觀既是建築的立面,又是規劃裡面的有機組成部分,這樣將能有效的達到景觀面積的最大化,不同高度的垂直綠化,裙樓景觀和屋頂花園,構建大型的生態社區。 景觀語言現代簡約,注重平面構圖、綠化、鋪裝與景觀小品形成一氣呵成的流暢感,每...

TANZO Space Design

Zhangjiakou Library 

WANG Daquan: Zhangjiakou library, creating the spiritual breath of the city Acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge ...

CU Office

Jumping City 

The new home for Urban Jumpers-future China’s urban life style. Jumping city, in accordance with existing urban socio-spatial structure and norm...