Results for "亚游集团官方网【】送888元.yphw"

Projects All ( 33 )

Superimpose Architecture

The Play-round 

Superimpose designed a kindergarten, which encourages kids to explore, play, stimulate their senses and, most importantly, to be active in the outd...

Parallect Design

Deep Sea Café 

The project is located in Binjiang Junyuan area, Zhangguanying Road, Panlong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province. Binjiang Junyuan is a former ...

CU Office

Lihu Wan New City Master Plan 

According to the Wuxi City Master Plan's positioning as a sub-center of Wuhu Bay and the unparalleled scenery resources on the edge of Taihu Lake, ...

Superimpose Architecture

Re-Veil Interior 

Superimpose’s main design strategy for the ‘City Expo’ was to investigate the original distinctive elements of the factory and insert minimum archi...