Results for "布加迪娱乐【】送888元.qmet"

Projects All ( 29 )

Superimpose Architecture

CO2 Pavilion 

Superimpose Architecture designed the CO2 Pavilion for the Beijing Design Week 2018 as an enclosed place for isolation and contemplation from urban...

Parallect Design

Pine House 

Songlou is located in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China's Tao Capital: Yixing. The surrounding natural environment is very superior. It is located...

Archi-Union Architects

Light of Internet World Internet Conference Center 

The site is located in the northwest corner of the heart of Wuzhen. The entire site is surrounded by farm houses, tourism projects and the first st...

Parallect Design

Kalakal Tibetan Cuisine and Culture Center 

In the northwestern part of Yunnan Province, in the Hengduan Mountains, there is a mysterious and tranquil place called "Shangri-La". This place Lo...