
2 week ago

Jenny Holzer: Light Line is on display at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City from May 17 until September 29, 2024. The major exhibition features a selection of artworks created by the artist from the 1970s to the present and, at its center, a new manifestation of Installation for... John Hill

on 2023/05/22

Brazil won the Golden Lion and Great Britain received a special mention. What are a few other standout national pavilions in the 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale that opened on... John Hill

on 2020/03/25

Ávila‎, Spain's Nagami Design, a design brand that specializes in 3D printing, has put its furniture production on hold to accelerate the production of the face shields used by health care workers treating people with COVID-19. John Hill

on 2019/11/14

A brick pylon that once marked the entrance to Toronto's Galleria Mall has been transformed by artist Thrush Holmes into a colorful, glowing beacon — a gateway to the Galleria on the Park development being built on the site of the mall. John Hill

on 2018/10/26

SEE-ING: The Environmental Consciousness Project is on display at the School of Architecture at University of North Carolina at Charlotte until November 16th. Curated by UNC... John Hill

on 2017/01/17

Partisans, the architecture and design "syndicate" of Alex Josephson and Teddy Shropshire, has created Gweilo, a "new family of visual LED lights" made from thin sheets of LED bulbs that have been molded into flowing, sculptural shapes. John Hill

on 2015/01/28

Five local architecture firms have responded to Chicago magazine's challenge to design something – anything – for the site of Santiago Calatrava's failed Chicago Spire, what would have been the city's tallest building. John Hill

on 2014/12/05

Design Miami/, now in its tenth year, may be overshadowed by the larger and slightly older Art Basel – Miami Beach, but the five-day design show offers its share of delights as well as a hint of the city's architectural evolution. John Hill

on 2014/11/21

Los Angeles-based artist Samara Golden's installation at MoMA PS1 consists of architectural and household objects modeled with reflective and metallic surfaces, provoking museumgoers to explore what she calls "the sixth dimension." John Hill

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