
on 2023/12/11

Number of homeless kids in San Francisco, California, waiting for shelter ahead of Christmas: 363 René Ammann

on 2023/07/03

Frequency with which the Great Mosque in Djenné, Mali, is freshly plastered in mud: Yearly René Ammann

on 2023/06/02

Rankings of Ghana, Syria and Argentina among the 107 countries indexed Serbian databank, where mortgages are more than 1000 percent of income: 1, 2 & 3 René Ammann

on 2023/05/07

Estimated number of homes the country of Pakistan René Ammann

on 2022/08/26

Amount each of the 107 Make It Right homeowners in New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward are eligible to receive as reimbursement for repairs conducted on the defective homes, René Ammann

on 2022/07/06

Typical thickness of a wall made of mud (banco) that, in a country like Senegal, provides natural insulation from the sun and... René Ammann

on 2022/06/03

Share of the world's 250 biggest contractors who are Turkish and are challenging China as leading builder in Africa: 40 René Ammann

on 2021/05/10

Number of cooking facilities in the 145 tiny modular living boxes (10 m2 / 107 sf) in Tokyo’s 50-year-old iconic Nakagin Capsule Tower "destined... René Ammann

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