
on 26-09-2022

Factor by which institutional investors spent when buying up single-family homes in America in 2021, compared to $3 billion the year... René Ammann

on 06-07-2022

Typical thickness of a wall made of mud (banco) that, in a country like Senegal, provides natural insulation from the sun and... René Ammann

on 14-04-2022

Thickness of walls at the base of the Monadnock Building, a landmarked 1891 building in Chicago's Loop, located two blocks away from the Consumers Building (1913) and Century Building (1915), René Ammann

on 06-12-2021

Amount British street artist Banksy has offered to buy an empty prison in Reading, England, that features an uninterrupted 500-meter-long paintable surface, proposing to turn it into... René Ammann

on 10-02-2020

Total cost, as of January, for the United States to build more than 450 miles of border wall at the U.S.-Mexico border by the end... René Ammann

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