


叠术建筑作为四家竞标公司之一,参与了杭州未来科技城的绿汀岛规划设计。本项目的四大地块被两条道路分隔,由地铁站为核心创造的TOD发展模式,将交通便利的连接与自然和休闲空间有机地结合起来。两个主要实现这个目标的策略为: 1)绿色环形公园: 围绕着四个地块的绿色环形湿地公园激活并...






北京, 2018

叠术建筑将位于北京的一个85平米、阴暗、封闭破败的双层公寓改造为专为本地的一对年轻夫妇设计的明亮、开放、绿植充沛的居住空间。整个改造过程从设计到建成总共耗时两个月。 北京电视台(BTV)邀请叠术建筑参与一档住宅改造的节目,以小户型为主,展示其改造成果和设计过程。叠术建筑借此...


Headquarter Office of ViaBTC

Shenzhen, 2019

Scenes and Social Life: Headquarter of ViaBTC Office in the future Nowadays, more and more clients, no matter how their scales are, inte...


Peak Tea

Shenzhen, 2019

Opportunity and Imagination The project is located at Haiya Mage Mall in Bao’an, Shenzhen. As such a drawer concept retail is built withi...

Hong Designworks

Experiential Hall in Shanghai

Shanghai, 2019

The project is situated within a Victorian building constructed in the last century in Shanghai. Over the years the old house has witness...

Hong Designworks

Office of New Silk Road E-Commerce Company

Xi'an, 2019

New Silk Road Office — A space where colour palette coordinates with form In the modern home, colour harmonies which are definitely archi...

Various Associates


Shenzhen, 2019

Located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China and occupying a corner of a building, MORPH is a mixed-use space with a total construction a...

Various Associates

Voisin Organique Restaurant & Lounge

Shenzhen, 2019

Situated in Upper Hills, Futian District, Shenzhen, Voisin Organique is a farm-to-table restaurant features contemporary Chinese cuisine....

Various Associates

Vanke Nantou Gallery

Shenzhen, 2020

Nantou Ancient Town— witness of the city's history for millennia Nantou Ancient Town Renovation and Upgrade is a project launched to in...

Various Associates

C2 Cafe & Bar

Shenzhen, 2019

You are standing on the bridge enjoying the scenery; The sightseer is watching you from the balcony. The bright moon adorns your window...

Various Associates

ATLATL Restaurant

Shanghai, 2020

Known as China's "Silicon Valley", Zhangjiang High-tech Park in Pudong, Shanghai integrates a wide spectrum of key cutting-edge industrie...

Various Associates

J1M5 Boutique

Qingdao, 2020

CHANGABLE SPACE J1M5 is a boutique brand, with a mission of discovering, sharing cutting-edge fashion trends and permeating tourism, art...

The Architectural Design & Research Institute

Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic…

Lianzhou, 2020

Bridge is a kind of structure built based on the terrain, and also a sort of art that symbolizes connection and communication. Located in...

The Architectural Design & Research Institute

International Campus of Zhejiang University

Ninghai, 2017

In the era of globalization where cross-border flow of educational resources has become the norm, Zhejiang University has proposed a stra...



Shenzhen, 2019

"Architecture means to transferring a site to a place of distinct character and meaning. Design is to create places. In other words, a pl...


The Mountain View by Onexn Architects |…

Shenzhen, 2019

01 Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city a...






成都, 2019

受中国领先的办公空间品牌SOHO 3Q之邀,叠术建筑将位于成都西部国际金融中心三层和四层原本经营不善的共12000平方米的空间改造成了一个大型的、充满活力和创意的平台。 现有的空间由两个不同的区域组成:一个是以曲线作为设计语言,强化空间流动性的区域,包括与商场其他楼层联系紧...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Nine-Tiered Pagoda · Display and Replay

Shenzhen, 2020

Display and Relay – Li Qing Solo Exhibition is the second show of the series exhibition Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic at P...

Drawing Architecture Studio

No Man's Walk

Beijing, 2020

200 metres in length and 5 metres in average width, No Man’s Walk is a piece of public art work DAS created for Beijing Contemporary Art ...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Living Together

Shenzhen, 2020

Living Together is a terracotta mural DAS created for the Gan Keng Station of Line 10 of Shenzhen Metro. Taking the urban village of Shen...



Changzhi, 2018





叠术建筑事务所设计的展览中心位于长治市,中国山西省的一个三线城市。目前在中国经济和城市转型热潮中,长治市也面临着城市郊区化,即将成为新的CBD。在这次设计中最大的挑战,不仅要让长治市焕然一新,同时也要保留住山西省仅存的几处工业时代老厂房。 叠术建筑负责长治市CBD的设计,...




叠术建筑事务所设计的高端私人会所“空中酒窖”位于北京启皓顶楼,会所内另有“玄机”,专为爱好品尝葡萄酒的会员设有一处隐蔽酒窖。北京启皓是由日本建筑师安藤忠雄设计,社区涵盖了酒店,办公,花园和一家博物馆。会所属高端私人俱乐部,只对选定会员开放。 会所除了用作于会员的活动地点,也...


CO2 Pavilion






项目位于杭州西部一个葱郁的山谷里,是太阳公社的一个社区营地。太阳公社是一个针对中国城市化现象,推广可持续农业和健康生活方式的机构。叠术建筑事务所受邀在山谷的核心地区设计了太阳公社的社区营地,为城市居民提供一个教育的平台。 山谷长三公里,遍布竹林和稻田,居住着约100户农民。...

West-line Studio

Chetian Tourist Center

Guizhou Province, 2018

The Tourist Center is located just outside Chetian Village, on the main road arriving from Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou province. The ...



杭州, 2020

杭州万科天空之城是杭州地铁和万科杭州合作开发的航母级项目,总建筑面积134万平方米,涵盖商业、办公、教育、文化中心、体育中心和住宅等业态。这个以公共交通为导向的项目将成为“天空之城”—— 杭州西部余杭区建筑面积达100万平方米的开发项目——的主要连接点和公共交通枢纽。它将容...

hcreates interior design

Luneurs le garde-manger

Shanghai, 2020

Luneurs have rapidly expanded their loyal customer base since their first baked treats delighted customers at their experimental bakery l...

Cameron Clarke

Close to Home


Neighbourhood Strategies for Bejing's Urban Psychiatric Care Close to Home' is a speculative architectural and research project which in...

Matthew Jones

The Floating Embassy


Scale as a tool to reframe, represent & reconstruct Beijing’s fragmented urban condition and society. The Floating embassy collates ...

West-line Studio

Guizhou Fire Station

Guizhou Province, 2017

The fire station is located at the very center of Guizhou Province, near its main city, Guiyang. The building grows in between two steep ...

West-line Studio

Shui Cultural Center

Guizhou Province, 2017

Located in Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, Shui Cultural Center is the land of the Shui. The Shui Nationality is one of ...


Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions

Yangshuo, Guilin, 2020

The Impression SanjieLiu, Yangshuo, Guilin is located in one of the most dramatic landscapes in China. Endless greenery surrounds the sit...

West-line Studio

Bamboo Gateway

Guizhou Province, 2008

The 10,000 hectares Zhuhai National Park, located in Guizhou province, South-West China, is characterized by the unique presence of the B...

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