


长治 Changzhi

在山西省长治市的新中央商务区中, 坐落在沿河岸边上和商务区的中心点,叠术建筑设计了两栋双菱形的办公塔楼。业主对项目定位为高端办公塔楼 (A 级),为山西东南区的银行集中区。项目现处于规划报批阶段。 设计要求为四栋独立的办公塔楼, 可出售或分别出租给四家独立的银行和企业。由于...

OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Shenzen Stock Exchange

Shenzen, 2013

The essence of the stock market is speculation: it is based on capital, not material. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange is conceived as a physi...

Rockery Han Landscape Architects

Headquater of Bank of China

Beijing, 1999

On September 1999, we have collaborated with the famous architect I.M.Pei to accomplish the rockery project for the interior of the Bank ...

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