
Atelier Heimat

Lounge Bridge Renovation

Baoding, 2016

The village where the project is located will have the possibility of planning and road adjustment in the future, accordingly, the renov...

LUO studio

共享瓢虫 — 可动的微型儿童书屋


共享瓢虫 — 可动的微型儿童书屋 共享的反思 基于节约资源、让绿色出行回归、带来生活便捷的共享单车,在无节制的商业化运作下,从一个健康的状态变成一个怪物。它耗费了大量的工业原料、侵占掉稀缺的城市公共空间,堆放出一个又一个的 “巨型工业坟场”。 面对这些非...

LUO studio



营造场所秩序——胜利市场临时安置点 原胜利市场位于城市发展最早的区域之一,历经了好几十年,满足当时人们基本生活需要的老市场现在慢慢成为脏、乱、差和交通拥堵的境况,城市更新也迫切需要对市场所在的老旧片区进行改造。然而各项拆、改、再建设的工作及流程时间将比较漫长。市场所承载的人...


Soft Matter

Shanghai, 2017

The pavilion is built for 2017 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season as part of an outdoor extension of the Lin Gang exhibition. Nowadays, nat...

New Office Works

Growing Up

Hong Kong, 2019

Growing Up is a pavilion located in the West Kowloon Cultural District. It is the winning entry of the inaugural Hong Kong Young Architec...

Atelier DYJG

Returning to The Essence of Garden——Happy Garden

Jinan,Shandong, 2009

Location: Jinan, China Client: Jinan Landscape Architecture Administration Bureau Area: 800 m2 Design: 2009 C...


Norwegen Pavillon Expo Shanghai China

Shanghai, 2010

Die Tragkonstruktion des Pavillons besteht aus 15 Baumelementen. Diese Brettschichtholzkonstruktionen sind mit einer Membran aus PTFE übe...


Forest Pavilion (Y Lu Duqai A Luma)

Guangfu, Hualien, 2011

On May 22nd, 2011, framed by green bamboo vaults, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou stood at a podium inside Forest Pavilion to inaugurate...

OPEN Architecture

Open Nature

Shenzhen, 2011

We are living in an era of a looming environmental crisis. After 3 decades of unprecedented urban growth in China, we are seeing remarkab...


7 Colours Park

Qujing, 2007

Covering an area of approximately 375 hectares, the Yunnan International Agrifood technopark is a revolutionary experimental farm that ai...

DnA Design and Architecture

JinHua Architecture Park

JinHua, 2004

Public toilet is indeed a private space. This simple form creates a dialogue with the natural surroundings while minimizing the land-use ...

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