Xie Peihe
Founder & Chief Designer
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With great sensitivity and originality, Xie Peiheadheres to create rational simplicity guided by emotional thinking, and to integratespatial functionality with personality in a natural and subtle manner. Heexcels at presenting spatial aesthetics through the collision of the simple andthe complicated, and strives to let people resonate with space.
In the past few years, Xie Peihe has led thedesign of a great many exceptional commercial, residential and office projects,which have won multiple world-class design awards and have been published in awide spectrum of top media platforms worldwide, including ArchDaily,Designboom, A D , Interior Design, Yellowtrace, DesiDaily,designwire, POSITION, and gooood, etc. In 2018, he won Perspective's 40 Under40 Awards, which recognized him as one of the 40 young design talents whowill and are leading the future of design.