


迁安市, 2010

本案例综合运用雨洪生态管理的渗透、滞蓄和净化技术,以及与水为友的适应性设计,并结合污染和硬化河道的生态修复,用最少的钱干预,保留现状植被,融入艺术装置和慢行系统,并将生态建设与城市开发相结合,构建了一条贯穿城市的、低维护的生态绿道,为城市提供全面的生态系统服务。 1场...



六盘水市, 2013

项目将城市雨洪管理、水系统生态修复、城市开放空间的系统整合与城市滨水用地价值的提升有机结合在一起,充分发挥了景观做为城市生态基础设施综合的生态系统服务功能。 1现状与挑战 六盘水市位于贵州西部、云贵高原腹地,是一个在20世纪60年代中期建立起来的工业城市,城区人...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...



浦江县, 2016

项目简介 "五水共治"是浙江的伟大创造,而浙江的“五水共治”是从治理金华浦江县的母亲河浦阳江开始的。 案例通过水生态修复和景观营造拯救了一条曾经被抛弃的母亲河。设计运用了生态水净化、雨洪生态管理、与水为友的适应性设计以及最小干预的景观策略,结合硬化河堤的生态修复、改造...



台州市, 2004

1 项目综述: 本项目景观场地位于浙江省台州市黄岩区永宁江北侧,是一条需满足滨江防汛功能的带状绿地。绿地西至跃进闸, 东约至支一路,总长度约为4公里,总面积约为21.8公顷。景观绿地最窄段约为45m,最宽段约为90m。 永宁江江边生态环境日益遭到破坏,方案采用与...

hcreates interior design

The Broken Dagger

Shanghai, 2020

Nestled between a hairdresser and a hot pot restaurant on an otherwise typical Shanghai street, a large mural artwork has emerged. Spanni...

hcreates interior design

The Riff

Hong Kong, 2020

For an international city at pace with the world’s best, Hong Kong was missing an internationally recognized home of comedy. Extruded hig...

CM Design




INCLS (集合设计)

Ningbo Creative Ports - pilot area

Ningbo, 2019

This project is the pilot area of Ningbo Creative Ports, a 10-kilometer-long industrial waterfront in centre city Ningbo to be redevelope...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计

AL's Place

上海, 2018

由栋栖设计的Al’s Place位于上海K11的4层,为开放式餐饮空间。 6mm厚的扁钢结构组成从了开敞快速到私密舒适的不同类型空间,同时站立高度的视线保持非常通透。扁钢间通过斜拉钢索形成完整的以小见大的微结构体系,营造出非常轻盈的空间效果。在统一体系下的钢结构高低错落,...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


上海, 2018

由栋栖设计的白鸟咖啡,藏于上海南京西路侧巷内闹中取静处。 室内材料分别是钢板黑色表面处理,水洗石墙面和实木多层板。正对入口方向的墙面均为实木多层板,多层板斜向45°侧面朝外,并交错前后地排列相拼而成墙面。吧台后侧的多层板墙面,多层板切割出了挂钩形状,挂钩可菜单牌,亦可...

Gerber Architekten

Bürokomplex im Central Business District Jinan

Jinan, 2018–2020

Bauen in China – das stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar, bietet aber auch die Chance, große Baukomplexe in kürzester Zeit fertig z...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Qin House

Weihai, 2018

Qin House, with the exquisite cottage Qin House is a hostel, which is renovated by two sets of courtyard with local characteristics. It ...



beijing, 2019

“树院”项目位于北京市小经厂胡同的一个四合院内。在过去几十年的城市发展中,人们在四合院里增建厕所、厨房等,有些建筑的局部被改建成非传统样式。该四合院逐渐演变成现在居住着12户人家的“大杂院”。 我们租下其中的一户改造成办公室,占地仅为26.1㎡,四周皆与邻居相接,其采光...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

B Garden

Xinyang, 2017

B Garden, Pastorale in Da-Bie Mountains Project Background: Dilapidated Dwellings in the Hinterland of the Dabie Mountains Located in Xi...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Ding Hui Yuan Zen & Tea Chamber

Beijing, 2016

This is a factory renovation project. Rebuilt into an office in its latest renovation, the old factory experienced several times of renov...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Liu Geng Tang Hall

Wuyuan, 2019

Restoration and reconstruction of Liu Geng Tang Hall in Hongguan village, Wuyuan County The New Life of a Hundred-Year-Old Huizhou House...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Persimmon Garden

Weihai, 2018

Known as “xiangdi” in ancient China, site investigation and selection is the first step of the design work. Lots of fruit trees grow on t...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Mica Bar

Weihai, 2018

Remoulded from an ordinary private multiple dwelling house in the Wangjiatuan Village in the city of Weihai, Shangdong Province,the Mica ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty

Weihai, 2018

A Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty: Moderate Architectural Intervention with Skillful Usage of Mountain Rocks The Twelve-Roomed School of...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center

Guangshan, 2019

Folded Horizontal Lines – Architectural Design of the Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center Location and background of Project The pr...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum and Villagers’…

Xinyang, 2014

The site is situated in Xihe Village, an unincorporated village in the mountain area that is 30km from the county town of Xin County, a N...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum

Xinyang, 2019

Interior Space Design & Renewal for Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum A New Departure to Continue Cooperation In April 2019, five yea...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tai Fu Tai Mansion Area

Sanming, 2016

Shangping Village Regeneration - Tai Fu Tai Mansion Area The last design area of the Shang Ping Village Regeneration is somewhere hidden...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore

Sanming, 2017

Shangping Village Regeneration - Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore Yang’s School Area is located at the intersection of the two ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shuikou Area

Sanming, 2016

Shangping Village Regeneration - Shuikou Area Selected as one of the “historical and cultural villages” in Fujian Province, Shangping Vi...


Jiu Ke Shu Future Arts Center

Shanghai, 2020

Das in einem Wald gelegene Jiu Ke Shu (chinesisch für Neun Bäume) Future Art Center nahe Shanghai, sieht sich als Ort der Kunst, des Thea...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort

Anlong, 2017

Over the Hills: Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort Anlong Limestone Resort is located in a karst canyon of Dushan Town, Anlong Co...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Limestone Gallery

Anlong, 2017

Here is Anlong county in Southwest Guizhou province, where is the start point of Via ferrata in Anlong Limestone Resort. The destination ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Stone Nest Amphitheatre

Weihai, 2019

Stage under Starlit Sky Stone Nest Amphitheatre in Weihai, Shandong Province A base emerging from reading of site and location In its p...



苏州市, 2017

1. 项目简介 苏州真山公园地处高新区通安镇,距苏州市中心10公里,对外交通便利,设计规模为43公顷。设计尊重场地自然现状,在构建“海绵公园”和建设“生产性的低维护景观”两大策略的指引下,将一个垃圾填埋场摇身转变为一个看的见青山,望的见碧水,记得住乡愁的城市公园,为建...


Infinity 6 Pop-Up school

Shenzhen, 2019

Crossboundaries’ latest installation is imagined as a fun inducing manifesto of future schools, where you can experience and imagine litt...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


上海, 2016


dongqi Design 栋栖设计


杭州, 2018

由栋栖设计的IMV 智能品牌买手店位于杭州来福士广场1层。项目通过空间和光环境的巧妙处理,为品牌店创造出符合电子产品气质的视觉体验和良好的陈列展示效果。 店内空间主要被划分为电子互动产品体验区和品牌陈列区,场地外侧靠近商场人流动线处布置可互动产品展示和演示功能,增加店...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


上海, 2018

dongqi Architects栋栖设计将新天地南里一栋百年历史的上海石库门老建筑改造为CONCEPTS中国首家概念零售店。 项目需要兼顾日常零售和限量球鞋产品发布活动两种不同的使用需求,dongqi Architects将原始空间分割为两种截然不同的气氛。沿主道路...



深圳, 2019

深圳国际艺展中心(iADC)艺术小镇02-12地块2#的设计受满京华集团和许李严建筑师事务所的邀请,南侧面对严迅奇先生设计的艺术小镇博物馆,西侧紧邻艺展城中央步行街,主要容纳艺展零售商铺、轻餐饮和艺术家工作室等功能。 在整个艺术小镇中,蜿蜒的中央步行街道由南至北串联了三个...

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