

Huludao Beach Exhibit Center

Huludao, 2011

META-Project has completed the Huludao Beach Exhibit Center, a project which re-established the relationship between the cultural activit...

Parallect Design


Guangzhou, 2021

The project was invited by the Super life Trend joint exhibition of Guangzhou Design Week, and cooperated with the new designers in the d...



哈尔滨市, 2011


3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Space Improvement Plan for Zaiwan Village

Jiaozhu City, 2021

Background and original appearance: rural revitalization led by aesthetics and a three-no ordinary village Xiuwu County is located in Ji...

Various Associates

SND Chongqing WFC

Chongqing, 2021

01 | The spatial aesthetics of the same brand is expressed in a differentiated way. Various Associates designed another new concept stor...

CL3 Architects

Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan

Beijing, 2019

Project Name: Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan Category: Hospitality Completion Time: April 2019 Site Area: 15,625 m² Location: Beijing, Chi...

Various Associates


Shenzhen, 2019

Located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China and occupying a corner of a building, MORPH is a mixed-use space with a total construction a...



Nanjing, 2020

中国城市在经历了近四十年的快速发展后,已经到达了临界点,即大规模的空间增长不可持续,土地开发空间严重受限。面对困局,政府与企业都在积极探索城市发展建设的创新之路,思考如何通过更新与再生对现有土地进行功能转型、结构重建,从而与城市创新和新经济相融合。 2019年7月,历...


Three Courtyard Community Center

Yangzhou, 2009

"The city of Yangzhou is located at the edge of Yangtze River in Jiangsu province not far from provincial capital Nanjing. As any other c...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Siji Minfu Restaurant in Maliandao

Beijing, 2021

In 1981, the original building of Siji Minfu Restaurant (Maliandao) was built at the northwest intersection of Honglian Road and Malianda...

Rural Urban Framework

A House For All Seasons

Shijia Village, 2012

DESIGNER: John Lin / The University of Hong Kong CONTACT: [email protected]...

Rural Urban Framework

Taiping Bridge Renovation

Taiping Village, 2009

DESIGNER: John Lin / The University of Hong Kong CONTACT: [email protected]...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...


以空中横向延伸打破场地束缚 :成都市金牛区图书馆及外化成中学

Chengdu, 2019

近日,DUTS杜兹设计的国际竞标作品“成都市金牛区图书馆”在历时四年后建成竣工。该项目位于成都市中心城区的⻄北部,作为金牛区的文化地标,以独具魅力的建筑形象,为天府之城呈现了一部令人惊叹的“三维之书”,体现出新时代公共文化建筑在文化及建筑实践上的高层次追求。 金牛区图书馆...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center

Guangshan, 2019

Folded Horizontal Lines – Architectural Design of the Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center Location and background of Project The pr...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

809 Arsenal Relics – Hotel

Yichang City, 2020

The Revival of the Old Third-Front Renovation of the 809 Arsenal Relics – Hotel Background and original appearance: abandoned for a long...



苏州市, 2017

1. 项目简介 苏州真山公园地处高新区通安镇,距苏州市中心10公里,对外交通便利,设计规模为43公顷。设计尊重场地自然现状,在构建“海绵公园”和建设“生产性的低维护景观”两大策略的指引下,将一个垃圾填埋场摇身转变为一个看的见青山,望的见碧水,记得住乡愁的城市公园,为建...

TOMO Design

Sunac · Beyond Mansion

Tianjin, 2021

Name: SUNAC · BEYOND MANSION Location: Tianjin China Area: 2000 square meters Date: 2021 Customer information: Sunac (North China) Studi...


San Sa Village

Beijing, 2019

"San Sa", formerly named as "The Third Hometown", refers to a social space created for an introspective group of people who seek a space ...


The Mountain View by Onexn Architects |…

Shenzhen, 2019

01 Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city a...



中山市, 2002


3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum and Villagers’…

Xinyang, 2014

The site is situated in Xihe Village, an unincorporated village in the mountain area that is 30km from the county town of Xin County, a N...



Tianjin, 2020

项目位于天津市蓟州区,原本是一栋独立的农家小院。业主崇尚陶渊明的精神境界,尤其喜爱《归园田居》这首名作, 在小院改造之初,从“少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山”中为小院取名,是为丘山居。 丘山居所处的村庄位于著名的盘山风景区南侧,村庄四面环山,风景优美。津蓟...


Star Place

Kaohsiung, 2008

A vibrant new landmark has appeared in the fast and modern city of Kaohsiung: the luxury shopping center Star Place. Both outside and ins...

Various Associates

HAYDON Hangzhou

Hangzhou, 2021

01 | Poetic and fantastic elements Guide one's imagination Hangzhou, a city with poetic beauty and Chinese-style charm for thousands of...

Prol Lighting

Beijing CR Land Instreet

Beijing, 2020

Exploring the hidden value of light series People sit together while chatting and laughing, enjoying a slow and relaxing lifestyle. When...

Studio 10

梦 & 迷,别居·漓想国

桂林, 2018

创意民宿“别居”位于桂林平乐县漓江畔,Studio 10负责了其中“梦”主题房型的改造。 设计灵感来源于莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔的绘画作品,建筑师通过二维、三维元素的无缝转换及对于视幻现象的运用,打造了一个神秘、无尽的“不可能空间”。 淡粉色与白色营造出一种静谧又不失...

Studio 10


桂林, 2018

创意民宿“别居”位于桂林平乐县漓江畔,Studio 10负责了其中“光. 影”主题房型的改造。在二层通高的坡屋顶空间中,建筑师希望通过材料、光影的运用,探求空间与自然的关系。 改造设计摒除了多余的装饰,通过对于素混凝土、回收旧榆木、竹蔑、藤等材料的运用,营造了一个内省、...

Jiakun Architects


成都市, 2015


Studio 10

远景宅 - 独栋住宅改造

深圳, 2020

2018年夏天,我们接受业主的委托,开始对于深圳市郊的这座独栋住宅进行翻新改造。在使用了十几年后,住宅的主人希望可以为其加入一些“当代性和趣味”。 私宅建筑本身是意大利风情的,周边绿树成荫,仿佛置身托斯卡纳乡间田园的平行时空。由于建筑外观受客观原因限制无法过多改变,因此...

Studio 10


焦作, 2021




Shanghai, 2022

DUTS杜兹设计于2019年接受道生天合材料科技的委托,为其打造位于上海临港的总部办公园区,经过为期三年的建筑,室内,景观一体化打造与建设,园区已于近期(2022年)竣工投入使用。 全新的道生天合上海临港总部包含人性化办公空间,全新的现代化工厂,配备世界一流设备的研发...

Studio 10

秦厂村党群活动中心改造:交织的信仰,自然与人本| 一座开放的回廊式社群中心

焦作, 2019

秦厂村党群活动中心坐落于河南省焦作市修武县城关镇秦厂村,是基于原村党群活动中心老建筑的改造项目。“修武”源于周代武王伐纣“修兵练武”于此的典故,是一座典型的中原古县,历史悠久、厚重;城关镇则是修武县的经济、政治、文化重镇。 老党群活动中心位于秦厂村东侧边缘的一个三岔路口,...

Studio 10

不朽堂 . 龙山陵园小礼堂

焦作, 2020

无论生活在乡村还是城市,死亡为所有人必经之路。 既不可避免,我们如何面对? 在古老的传统习俗之外,我们有什么样的“选项”纪念、思考死亡?无论是亲人、所爱之人的离开,还是自己生命旅途的终结。 受修武县政府和陵园主人委托,我们试图在龙山陵园小礼堂项目中提出这些问题,并探求...


Quzhou Stadium

Quzhou, 2022

MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong, has completed Quzhou Stadium, the centerpiece of a complex spanning almost 700,000 square meters that ...

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