Resultats per ".lyws"

Perfils Tots ( 1 )



Projectes Tots ( 6 )

ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier

Master development plan of shanghai yachting industry 

In this plan, the future yacht-related activities and industrial development plans in Shanghai are detected and demonstrated at different levels. T...


Shenzhen Natural History Museum 

3XN, B+H and Zhubo Design selected to design the new Shenzhen Natural History Museum Consortium awarded first place in an international competitio...


A Walking Box 

In the Langqin Bay by the side of Aixi Lake in Nanchang City, there resides a kindergarten filled with elegant and delicate landscapes and colorful...

DUTS Design Shanghai Office

Techstorm Headquarter Industrial Park 

DUTS Design was commissioned by Techstorm in 2019 to build a headquarter industrial park in Lin Gang, Shanghai. DUTS team provides design total sol...

Revista Tots ( 3 )


High Street Lows 

Share of the 264 stores on London's world-famous Oxford Street that have permanently shuttered…


Chalet Piolet 

The building was originally an old wooden shed in very poor condition – a strong candidate for…