
on 6/27/22

June is Pride Month, marking June 28, 1969, when a group of LGBTQ+ people rioted following a police raid of New York’s Stonewall Inn. Fittingly, this June sees the release of Gay Architects: Silent Biographies, from 18th to 20th Century, which finds two German experts, Wolfgang Voigt... Ulf Meyer

on 11/4/19

Anyone planning an office today has to deal with a wide variety of possibilities in terms of both spatial and technological configuration. Working in the office has changed considerably in the last few years, new tools result in completely new concepts and also needs of cooperation—in real as... Thomas Geuder

on 11/4/19

Anyone planning an office today has to deal with a wide variety of possibilities in terms of both spatial and technological configuration. Working in the office has changed considerably in the last few years, new tools result in completely new concepts and also needs of cooperation—in real as... Thomas Geuder

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