
on 8/1/22

The Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn is turning from an infamous Superfund site into a cultural district where old industrial buildings are being transformed into performance venues. These include the new home for Powerhouse Arts designed by Herzog & de Meuron and CO Adaptive's transformation of... CO Adaptive

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on 8/27/21

The Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) has revealed plans for an expansion to its iconic building. When complete in 2024, the vertical addition will be named for MASP co-founder Pietro Maria Bardi, with its historic building renamed in honor of its architect, Lina Bo Bardi. John Hill

on 7/14/16

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has revealed the six projects in the running for the 2016 RIBA Stirling Prize for the UK's best new building. John Hill

on 4/29/13

Located on the banks of the Ohio River southwest of downtown Louisville, Riverbank Park is 70 acres envisioned by De Leon & Primmer Architecture Workshop in their master plan "as a new recreational venue for the community." The first component in the park's master...

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on 11/28/07

Entertainment durchdringt alle Lebensbereiche. Was früher auf den Kulturbereich beschränkt war, ist heute auch in der Industrie zum unverzichtbaren Instrument geworden. Produkte werden emotionalisiert und inszeniert – längst nicht mehr bloß, um sie zu verkaufen, sondern...

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on 4/23/07

Österreichische Bahnhofsgegenden haben sich in den letzten Jahren von Schmuddelwinkeln zu urbanen Hoffnungsgebieten gemausert. In ihrer Entstehungszeit noch an der Peripherie gelegen, stellen sie, vom Wachstum der Siedlungen längst ins Zentrum geholt, wertvolle Baulandreserven dar, die...

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