
1 month ago

Cost of a DIY home in California built by using cob, earth, water, hemp, straw and only paying for screws, glue, and silicone: $200 (€187) René Ammann

on 3/13/23

Estimated size of land billionaire businessman Elon Musk and his companies (Boring Co., SpaceX, Tesla) have amassed in Texas to build a new town called... René Ammann

on 3/6/23

Distance requested to bump out the front door of a private residence in a historic district on New York City's Upper East Side designed in 1966 by Paul Rudolph, René Ammann

on 12/1/22

Estimated share of US architecture firm billings so far this year that have come from renovation projects, not new construction: 52% René Ammann

on 8/22/22

Amount of CO2 the planned demolition of London’s flagship Marks & Spencer store will... René Ammann

on 7/6/22

Typical thickness of a wall made of mud (banco) that, in a country like Senegal, provides natural insulation from the sun and... René Ammann

on 7/6/20

Amount of floorspace built in China each year – as a one-story building, the equivalent would cover 1.3 times the entire footprint of... René Ammann

on 5/4/20

Width that desks in open-plan offices have shrunk over the years: 40 cm (15.75")  René Ammann

on 4/2/20

World-Architects recently corresponded with Ángela Baldellou, who runs Observatorio 2030, a group created by the Council of Spanish Architects that brings together professionals and experts from... Madeline Beach Carey

on 7/2/19

The new Amstelkwartier area in Amsterdam has become a vibrant city neighborhood. The foundation of this area’s development lies in the middle of the financial crisis. Commercial real estate projects were put to an end, making municipality giving the possibility to private initiatives. Several... studio PROTOTYPE

on 6/6/18

The Czech and Slovak Pavilions at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice is the setting for UNES-CO (United Nations Real Life Organization), a fictitious company founded by artist Kateřina Šeda that draws attention to the impact the UNESCO World Heritage List has on cities. John Hill

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