Results for "上海老虎機上分器-【【DD96.CC】】-上海老虎機上分器"

Projects All ( 83 )

1moku co.

Shanghai Grand Theater 

Art Deco rooftop garden project The Shanghai Grand Theatre was built in 1928 as the first movie theater in the East side of the world. With its ar...


Xiachong Resorts Apartment Project 

本設計很好的詮釋了規劃、建築、景觀一體化的概念,三者融為一體,密不可分。景觀既是建築的立面,又是規劃裡面的有機組成部分,這樣將能有效的達到景觀面積的最大化,不同高度的垂直綠化,裙樓景觀和屋頂花園,構建大型的生態社區。 景觀語言現代簡約,注重平面構圖、綠化、鋪裝與景觀小品形成一氣呵成的流暢感,每...

Parallect Design

Qiyuan:Scenery · Plains · Windows 

Qiyuan, as the name suggests, is a small courtyard between mountains and rivers. The project designed by Shanghai Parallect Architecture Design Stu...

CU Office

Beijing Cultural and Art Center 

The project is located in the north of the old town of Beijing, near the Lama Temple. It is in a traditional Siheyuan area. The main body of center...

Magazine All ( 1 )


Outside Inside 

この家には、デッキが4か所ある。見晴らしのいい屋上デッキでは食事をしたり、お風呂上がりに涼んだり、夫がビールを持って上がってきたり。3階海側の デッ…