Results for "九亿【】送888元.zebs"

Projects All ( 12 )

Parallect Design

Kalakal Tibetan Cuisine and Culture Center 

In the northwestern part of Yunnan Province, in the Hengduan Mountains, there is a mysterious and tranquil place called "Shangri-La". This place Lo...

Parallect Design

Cabin Fairy Town: Island, Jungle, Cabin 

The Wooden Cabin Town is located on an island in the West Sea of Lushan, southwest of Jiujiang, Jiangxi. It was designed by Shanghai Parallect Arch...


Meixi Urban Helix 

The concept masterfully highlights the start of the new urban axis on Lake Meixi in the southwest of Changsha and creates a multi-functional, publi...

dongqi Design

C.F. Café 

Designed by dongqi Architects, Changzhou C.F. Café reveals a cheerful and modest branding character by spatial redefining and material selection. ...

Magazine All ( 1 )


Hybrid solitary... semi-social quintet... on cosmic webs... 

Artist Tomás Saraceno explores social and biological complexity through the manipulation of spider…