Results for "吉祥坊【】送888元.gpca"

Projects All ( 5 )

CU Office

Dongxiang culture center 

1.Place and Site: Dongxiang Culture Center is built in Maxiang village, Dongxiang autonomous county, Gansu province, China. On three sides (except...

Parallect Design

East Tai Lake Himalayan Audio Bookstore 

The design of the space, it carries the culture, civilization and the corresponding environmental factors. —— Mario Bellini East Tai Lake Himala...

CU Office

Group of Yard House Maxiang 

Purpose: a new neighborhood of common life The project is located in Maxiang Village, Tangwang Town, Dongxiang Autonomous County, Gansu Province o...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Dianjiang Bagu·Suji 

To live and stroll in the paddy fields, halfway up the mountain Architectural design of Dianjiang Bagu·Suji in Chongqing 场地:海拔800米的自然村,可望见县城 Sit...