Results for "尊尚会【】送888元.zupn"

Projects All ( 10 )

Superimpose Architecture

Re-Veil Interior 

Superimpose’s main design strategy for the ‘City Expo’ was to investigate the original distinctive elements of the factory and insert minimum archi...

Parallect Design

National Square Automotive Electronics Research Centre 

The headquarters of Suzhou National Square Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. is located in the Xiangcheng Economic Development Zone of Suzhou City. ...

CU Office

Group of Yard House Maxiang 

Purpose: a new neighborhood of common life The project is located in Maxiang Village, Tangwang Town, Dongxiang Autonomous County, Gansu Province o...

Parallect Design

Rural Transformation Practice 

Zhenze Town belongs to Wujiang District of Suzhou City, bordering on Taihu Lake in the north and Ma Yang in the east. The land is intertwined with ...