Results for "尊尚会现场娱乐【】送888元.ifmx"

Projects All ( 41 )

Parallect Design

ElmtSports Basketball Hall 

The project is located in Liming Road, Guandu District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province. Before the renovation, the site was Olive Tree Hot Spring Ho...

Parallect Design

Rural Transformation Practice 

Zhenze Town belongs to Wujiang District of Suzhou City, bordering on Taihu Lake in the north and Ma Yang in the east. The land is intertwined with ...

Archi-Union Architects

Light of Internet World Internet Conference Center 

The site is located in the northwest corner of the heart of Wuzhen. The entire site is surrounded by farm houses, tourism projects and the first st...

Archi-Union Architects

In -Bamboo 

The project we completed is a multi-functional rural community cultural center with provisions for exhibitions, hosting conferences, community gath...