Results for "尊龙国际备用【】送888元.kjdt"

Projects All ( 43 )

Superimpose Architecture

Chengdu SOHO 3Q 

Superimpose transformed a shopping mall into a Chengdu-inspired reconfigurable SOHO 3Q. The 3rd and 4th floor of a 12,000 square meter centrally lo...

Superimpose Architecture

Re-Veil Façade 

Superimpose designed an exhibition centre for Changzhi, a third-tier city in Shanxi Province of China. Under the prevailing economic and urban tran...

Parallect Design

Tavern in the Yellow Walls – Jiao Xi "Shijia" Courtyard 

Located in the core area of Changzhou's Jiaoxi Ancient Town, the "Shijia courtyard" was originally a three-entry residence. Since most buildings ha...

LUO studio

Longfu Life Experience Center 

Longfu Life Experience Center — A Universally-used Space Created by General Timbers and Techniques 1. Separation of function and space Real est...