Results for "小白赚钱app下载【】送888元.wdiv"

Projects All ( 25 )

Studio 10

Dream & Maze, The Other Place 

The Other Place is a creative guesthouse by the Li River in Pingle County, Guilin, and Studio 10 has just finished the renovation of its Dream-them...

Parallect Design

Cabin Fairy Town: Island, Jungle, Cabin 

The Wooden Cabin Town is located on an island in the West Sea of Lushan, southwest of Jiujiang, Jiangxi. It was designed by Shanghai Parallect Arch...

Superimpose Architecture

The Play-round 

Superimpose designed a kindergarten, which encourages kids to explore, play, stimulate their senses and, most importantly, to be active in the outd...

Atelier Jian

Tea Garden 

The project is located at Caochang North Lane, adjacent to the Bell and Drum Tower. Before the renovation, it was a Hutong homestay about to be aba...