Results for "电玩城注册送分可提现【】送888元.snaj"

Projects All ( 63 )

CU Office

Jumping City 

The new home for Urban Jumpers-future China’s urban life style. Jumping city, in accordance with existing urban socio-spatial structure and norm...

Parallect Design

National Square Automotive Electronics Research Centre 

The headquarters of Suzhou National Square Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. is located in the Xiangcheng Economic Development Zone of Suzhou City. ...

Studio 10

Spatial Design of “Qianhai Superposition”&“Back to Future”  

Spatial Design of “Qianhai Superposition”&“Back to Future” of the 2020 Qianhai Future Urbanism/Architecture Exhibition (Subvenue of the 8th Shenzhe...

Superimpose Architecture

Re-Veil Interior 

Superimpose’s main design strategy for the ‘City Expo’ was to investigate the original distinctive elements of the factory and insert minimum archi...