Results for "美高梅投注【】送888元.gycc"

Projects All ( 35 )

Parallect Design

Rural Transformation Practice 

Zhenze Town belongs to Wujiang District of Suzhou City, bordering on Taihu Lake in the north and Ma Yang in the east. The land is intertwined with ...


Xiachong Resorts Apartment Project 

本設計很好的詮釋了規劃、建築、景觀一體化的概念,三者融為一體,密不可分。景觀既是建築的立面,又是規劃裡面的有機組成部分,這樣將能有效的達到景觀面積的最大化,不同高度的垂直綠化,裙樓景觀和屋頂花園,構建大型的生態社區。 景觀語言現代簡約,注重平面構圖、綠化、鋪裝與景觀小品形成一氣呵成的流暢感,每...

Parallect Design

Mottled Pink · ONESWEAR Jewelry Store 

ONESWEAR is a romantic jewelry brand founded by 65 designers. The founder hopes that their designs will only serve the 10% minority who are allergi...

Parallect Design

National Square Automotive Electronics Research Centre 

The headquarters of Suzhou National Square Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. is located in the Xiangcheng Economic Development Zone of Suzhou City. ...