Results for "金光大道【】送888元.clgk"

Projects All ( 68 )

Superimpose Architecture

Re-Veil Interior 

Superimpose’s main design strategy for the ‘City Expo’ was to investigate the original distinctive elements of the factory and insert minimum archi...


Padeone Office and Exhibition Space 

Revitalizing Theatrical Hutong-scape | Hutong, timeline of the city prolonging and preserving local memories Hutong carries the local history th...

Superimpose Architecture


Superimpose and LEAP won the invited masterplan tender as a consortium for Greentown Associated Fund Platform for a new financial town along the Ch...

LUO studio

Party and Public Service Center of Yuanheguan Village 

Project name: Party and Public Service Center of Yuanheguan Village Design firm: LUO studio ( Designers (architecture, interior...