Results for "bb体育代理【】送888元.dhgw"

Projects All ( 60 )

Tanghua Architects & Associates

两塘书院 暨金石博物馆 

莞韶城位于韶关老城区的西南侧,以低冲击开发理念,保育原有的水库、鱼塘、山林、溪流、湿地等自然生态元素,建立韶关创新驱动平台。两塘书院是莞韶城“双塘印雪”文化景观重要组成部分。 项目位于广东省韶关市西郊天子岭山脚下。项目用地坐拥一片带状水域,背山面水,拥有180度...

Parallect Design

ElmtSports Basketball Hall 

The project is located in Liming Road, Guandu District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province. Before the renovation, the site was Olive Tree Hot Spring Ho...

WAU Design

120-Division School 

The 120-division School, designed by WAU Design, is completed recently. The school including 72 classrooms, teacher's office, library, lecture hall...

CU Office

Jumping City 

The new home for Urban Jumpers-future China’s urban life style. Jumping city, in accordance with existing urban socio-spatial structure and norm...