FOC Sentosa

Sentosa, Singapore, Singapur

At the end of 2014 Nandu Jubany, a Michelin Chef; Lagranja, Jordi Noguera, and Dario Nocentini, star mixologist, export the spirit of Bar...


Barcelona, España, BARCELONA

The startup launched by Robert and David, Typeform, was experiencing such a rapid growth that it needed to be relocated in a brand new he...

Madera Service Apartments

Hong Kong, 2016

The Madera Service Apartments has been the latest achievement of Lagranja Design in Hong Kong. Consisting of the rehabilitation of a 29 f...

The Populist

Istanbul, Turkey, 2016

La primera fábrica de cerveza de Turquia, fundada hace cien años por los hermanos Bomonti ha sido rehabilitada en la cervecería y restaur...

Quaich Bar

Singapore, Singapore, 2016

Most people don’t know what a Quaich is, and we weren’t experts either. Traditionally used to taste whisky, we started the project by scu...

The Other Room

Singapore, Singapore, 2016

The Other Room is born to become one of the best cocktail lounges of Singapore. Placed under the luxurious Marriot Hotel, it will be uniq...


Istanbul, Turkey, 2016

Located over an old Brewery founded by the Bomonti Brothers, the projects plays with images and photography related items to create a war...

Pim Pam by FOC

Singapore, Singapore, 2016

Pim Pam by FOC wants to be a more affordable version of the FOC dining experience. Lagranja has reinterpreted some of the typical Catalan...

Miura Private Equity

Barcelona, España, 2015

A quién le gusta trabajar en una oficina de serie despersonalizada? A mí no, y a Miura afortunadamente tampoco. Por suerte de ambos, hac...

Restaurante FOC

Singapore, Singapore, 2014

Utilizar “Capgrossos” (grandes máscaras burlescas típicas en las Utilizar “Capgrossos” (grandes máscaras burlescas típicas en las fiestas...

Hotel Madera Signature Suites

Hong Kong , 2012

Nuestro primer trabajo en Asia. Las ultimas cuatro plantas de un hotel de nueva construcción en la península de Kowloon, unos de los dist...

Chic & Basic Ramblas

Barcelona, España, 2012

Otro proyecto complicado en el camino de lagranja: presupuesto ajustado, un edificio “feote” de los años sesenta a pocos metros de la Ram...