Résultats pour « .pivc »

Projets Tout ( 5 )

Praxis d'Architecture

Front Desk 

The beginning is a beginning as well as an end; the end is an end as well as a beginning. – Miyazaki Hayao  

Office ZHU

Garden Island 

Commissioned by socks brand, Senpop, Office ZHU has completed a retail design, Garden Island, in Shenzhen Yifangcheng Shopping mall. The shop's sh...

Praxis d'Architecture

Praxis d'Studio 

A space for thinking, a living room, a party place….with a wall of light….   The given con...



大都市是工业社会的乌托邦,它拥抱技术,对未来的一切想象和憧憬都在这里以一种加速的方式被实现。80年代以来,发展的浪潮一步步将十几亿人口推向城市化的狂欢——城市即乐园。 在鳞次栉比的城市图景之中,个体的情感与记忆却往往被隐藏起来,如像素般密集而模糊。 展览希望通过艺术家在城市语境下的个人经验...

Magazine Tout ( 1 )



SHELTER is a temporary installation designed by BUREAU A for the annual meeting of the Swiss…