Resultados para ".ouhr"

Perfis Tudo ( 66 )


Scenic Architecture 






Atelier Chen Haoru 

Projetos Tudo ( 201 )


Simmons Asia next generation of shops - Premier & Studio Shop 

We are commissioned for the rebranding for Simmons Asia’s shops, uniform and corporate identity. This is a challenging task. How may we represent a...


Simmons Asia next generation of shops - Elite Shop 

We are commissioned for the rebranding for Simmons Asia’s shops, uniform and corporate identity. This is a challenging task. How may we represent a...

Wang Weijen Architecture

Site N, Xixi Wetland Art Village 

The site sits on three narrow strips of land opens to water views both in their front and back, provoking our senses toward mountain, water, sky an...

OPEN Architecture

2nd Ring 2049 

The 2nd Ring 2049 project is an anticipation of the final transformation of the 2nd Ring into a greenway that houses all of the cultural necessitie...

Revista Tudo ( 147 )


Serendipitous in Santa Barbara 

In January, we asked visitors to our American-Architects platform to vote for their favorite…


Building Bridges with Chris Luebkeman 

Christ Luebkeman is an engineer, educator, and futurist who leads the Strategic Foresight Hub in…


More Than Curtains 

Four years in the making, Art Applied is the third and latest book by Petra Blaisse on her…


LMN's Interactive Learning Pavilion Wins US Building of the Year 

The Interactive Learning Pavilion at the University of California, Santa Barbara received the most…