


将军澳, 2014

本项目是调景岭高密度居住区内的最新绿色公共空间。在地面或行人天桥的水平,项目都与比邻相连,成为未来社区的焦点。双塔式设计开辟了中央多层次的 “绿色地毯” --- 载满各种休闲体验 --- 悠闲步道,健身站,儿童游乐区和户外阅读区。没有任何围栏,本项目将是一个 24 小时开通...

KI Studio

Jiefang Tunnel

Hangzhou, 2005

Concept development for a dual carriageway tunnel in an urban setting. The new tunnel links the old city of Hangzhou with the new CBD. T...



天津, 2012

2010夏天,我们受业主之邀,为其在天津塘沽区的自用办公楼进行室内空间的改造设计。我们所面对的是一栋已经建成的标准的三层独栋办公楼,总面积为1200平米。现状平面规整,层与层之间靠消防楼梯和电梯相连。空间格局虽然紧凑,却显得较为刻板僵硬。 项目...

BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

Shenzhen Energy Mansion

Shenzhen, 2018

The 96,000m2 office development for the state-owned Shenzhen Energy Company is designed to look and feel at home in the cultural, politic...

Amateur Architecture Studio

Cafe Bar and Gallery

Shanghai, 2000

The project is simple in design. A wall separates the café-bar and the gallery. One is pure black, the other white. One is complex...

Praxis d'Architecture


山东省青岛市, 2015


Atelier DYJG


福建省厦门市, 2007

项目位置:厦门市杏林湾 委托单位:厦门市市政园林局 面积:1500 m2 设计时间:2006 -2007年 建成时间:2007年 获奖:厦门园博园青年风景园林师设计创意奖 2...



Xinzhaiping Village, 2021

新旧共存:新寨坪村落更新 新寨坪村位于湖南省湘西州泸溪县,是中国少数民族特色村寨,被誉为“中国古树博物馆”。 村落依山就势展开,古树群约60余亩,上百年的古树多达500多棵。其传统民居多为木结构,以杉木和松木为主,就地取材形成穿斗式木结构。村民大多是苗族,保存有大量的...

New Office Works

M+ Museum at Art Basel

Hong Kong, 2019

Our booth design for the M+ Museum at Art Basel Hong Kong transforms visitors into exhibition objects. The theme for this year’s booth wa...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Villa Shizilin

Wan Niang Fen, Changping, 2005

Villa Shizilin, Beijing, 2004 The client is a developer couple with two children and they have acquired a piece of land in th...

Chang Bene Design

Zig Zag Building

Hong Kong, 2009

In a dense area of Hong Kong, a rundown 6-story building was renovated and fitted with a new facade of perforated aluminum panels arrange...

Atelier Right Hub

The Patio House

Ningbo, 2020

Atelier Right Hub recently completed a 350 square-meter private residence in a high-end villa community in Ningbo. The client’s mandate w...

Chang Bene Design

House in the Sky

Hong Kong, 2006

A conventional flat was transformed into a loft-like space that incorporates living and working, with a new pavilion on the roof set in a...



北京, 2012

该项目位于北京一所宁静的职业中学校园的活动广场之中。广场正对着入口大道,其两侧均为多层教学楼。广场的改造,旨在为学校提供一个鲜明的可辨识的形象,重新定义现有公共空间。 通过对整个校园环境的分析,我们认为,学校不缺少单纯的雕塑作品,不缺少绿地,而是缺少一个能让学生聚在一...

hcreates interior design

Doc's Barbershop

Chengdu, 2019

The brief was to create a hiatus for the modern man that delivered a high-end, cut and shave barber experience with the addition of a bar...


Bibo Primary School Library

Shenzhen, 2014

Bibo Primary School Library is located in Shenzhen, China. The idea is to combine education with reading and playing, provide enjoyable s...



Beijing, 2017

2017WAF世界建筑节文化建筑入围作品。 有朋自远方来,长城初雪,潮河风月,自然是最好的美酒,上品的茶。所以,观景几乎成了这个包括:展览、餐饮、休闲、办公于一体的建筑的主题。其功能除了接待来客,赏景品茗外,也是展示朴门永续理念 和整个“拾得大地幸福实践区”建设的博...


Brick House

Nanjing, 2007

Based on local courtyard houses, the design evolved from the interaction of two brick houses with the surrounding landscape. Terracotta b...


Office in China World Trade Center Tower III

Beijing, 2020

In the China World Trade Center Tower III, a 74-story skyscraper in Beijing, AYZ STUDI O architectural design team completed a new office...

Atelier Alter Architects

WuliEpoch Culture Center

Beijing, 2018

WuliEpoch Culture Center attempts to create a triptych for architecture, landscape and interior design in the project. While the project ...



Hong Kong, 2020

Ketel One Sustainable Bar Award 2021 PENCILLIN is Hong Kong’s first closed-loop sustainable concept bar that pushes the boundaries of cu...



南京, 2015

A2建筑单体位于A地块的东半部分,与其它三组建筑组成的建筑群秉承了城市设计 “指状规划”的指导思想。即南面沿高铁连续的体量形成屏障,“手指”体量则向北侧中心景观区延伸. A2单体首层与A1形成室外空间的连接,在A地块中央区域形成热点。半围合的场地中设置下沉庭院,在给地下车...

Chang Bene Design

Indoor-Outdoor House

Hong Kong, 2004

This remodeling of a 3,500sf house reflects changing needs and lifestyles in Asia. The existing house was typical of those built in the 1...


San She House

Beijing, 2018

A Nostalgic Space at the foot of the Great Wall Being situated in Beigou Village, Huairou, at the foot of the Mutianyu Great Wall, Beij...

Atelier Deshaus

Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain

Chengde, 2022

The Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain is not an ancient temple, but the ancient Great Wall at far is an unprecedented miracle. The estab...


WeWork Weihai Lu, China Flagship Location

Shanghai, 2016

WeWork Weihai Lu is nestled in a turn of the century brick building; a former opium factory and artist residence. This building is surrou...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


杭州, 2018

由栋栖设计的IMV 智能品牌买手店位于杭州来福士广场1层。项目通过空间和光环境的巧妙处理,为品牌店创造出符合电子产品气质的视觉体验和良好的陈列展示效果。 店内空间主要被划分为电子互动产品体验区和品牌陈列区,场地外侧靠近商场人流动线处布置可互动产品展示和演示功能,增加店...


Tongxian Gate House

Beijing, 2003

Thirty miles from Beijing, a community of over 200 Chinese artists of international recognition lacked a public institution or space that...



上海, 2011

本案设计融合了西方的“科学自然观”和古老中国的“人文自然观”,并透过个人自身对自然的观察、直观式的体验周遭环境,形成一种感染人们内心的“现象自然观”。在满足功能布局的科学性和空间形式的人文性之后,本案利用建筑所捕捉到的视觉瞬间,构成人与自然环境的内在关系。 本案建筑采取了...

Various Associates

Pavilion for Design in Bay Area Exhibition

Shenzhen, 2020

Breaking Boundaries | Chair, Desk, Wall or Architecture? Entrusted by Shenzhen Institute of Interior Design, Various Associates conceive...



上海, 2004

基地与任务 闵行是上海近郊一个稠密的居住与工业区。本工程建筑面积4,400平方米, 位于该区内一个城市公园“生态园”中。本中心由公园管理楼及两个接待设施(“苇庄”...

Atelier d'More 多么工作室

书一·飞鸟集自习室 | 多么工作室Atelier d'More

Shanghai, 2021

Atelier d’More was commissioned to design a self-study room for Bosuer as its first store opening in Shanghai, hoping to create a soft ha...

beyondtime architects

Nanliang Boutique Inn

Beijing, 2023

This is a refurbishment of boutique inn in the mountain village, with facinating natural scenery, and disrepaired farmhouse. There is no ...



北京, 2013

一字排开的书架为这个出版公司定义了新的工作环境。将座椅区、工作区、会议室与小型会客室融入书架中, 达成了公司希望创造新工作方式的愿景,是迈向无阶级的当代办公方式的重要一步。 混合书架系统为新型工作方式提供了支持 延续线性的规则,一个高密度的综合体被转译成一个简约...



上海, 2005

基地与任务 上海中心城区北边有一片占地约150亩的“孤岛”状湿地,因历史原因数十年来一直保持着自然状态,现 在被规划为新江湾城开发区中的生态保护区,成为新城公共绿化系统的一部。由于该脆弱的生态环境只能承...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty

Weihai, 2018

A Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty: Moderate Architectural Intervention with Skillful Usage of Mountain Rocks The Twelve-Roomed School of...

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