

Crossboundaries' Transformable Workplace

Beijing, 2021

Beyond workspace. Reinforcing innovation in resilience. By the end of 2020, the two most significant typologies for everyday use as a so...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.


Chengdu, 2022

项目地点:中国 · 成都 项目面积:1427㎡ 室内设计:IN.X屋里门外设计 设计主创:吴为 设计网站:www.inxid.com 设计团队:刘晨阳、贾琦峰、周勇 室内陈设:金升旭、应哲光、宋江丽 项目摄影:郑焰 项目策划:楽品牌策略机构 文...


Shenzhen Skypark

Shenzhen, 2021

在过去 40 年里,深圳从一个小渔村发展成为中国最具创新性的现代化城市之一。随 着人口从几千人迅速增长到今天的约 1700 万居民,已然发展成为一个世界级别的超 级城市。 这是一个充满活力的城市,超过 33% 的深圳人平均年纪不到 30 岁。生活工作在这 人口稠密的大都市...

Approach Architecture Studio

Tea House at Dananpo

Dananpo, 2020

The building is located at the Village Center in Da Nan Po. The architectural prototype of the building is a Yubei traditional vernacular...


Human Horizons

Shanghai, 2020-ongoing

In 2020, GRAFT was commissioned by the Chinese company Human Horizons to design the retail identity of their electric car brand HiPhi. Th...

Studio Georges Hung

Hang Yang Xin He Mixed Use Tower

Nanning, 2010

Hang Yang Xin He Mixed Use Tower is a commercial-retail development comprising of an iconic 250 meter high rise grade-A office tower with...



Shenzhen, 2019

"Architecture means to transferring a site to a place of distinct character and meaning. Design is to create places. In other words, a pl...


Zhulang Huagai: A Figure for the Nantau Urban…

Shenzhen, 2017

The Urban Villages of Shenzhen comprise of a series of historic cores whose presence today is precarious at best. Surrounded by the rapid...


Infinity 6 Pop-Up school

Shenzhen, 2019

Crossboundaries’ latest installation is imagined as a fun inducing manifesto of future schools, where you can experience and imagine litt...


Zhujiajiao Museum of Humanities & Arts

Shanghai, 2010

Zhujiajiao is an ancient water town located in the Qingpu district of Shanghai. The roots of the town date back 1.700 years. Numerous bri...

Atelier Deshaus


上海, 2012


3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Stone Nest Amphitheatre

Weihai, 2019

Stage under Starlit Sky Stone Nest Amphitheatre in Weihai, Shandong Province A base emerging from reading of site and location In its p...

Think Evolution Architecture


湖北省, 2015

客戶最初的構想只是建造一間新教堂大樓,地點是中國這三、四線城市裏一塊被開發中的綠油油山地。我們最後研制出一個擁有遠見,不同潛力和最大商業價值的計劃和設計方案。 關於教堂,一般人會聯想到十字架、富有紀念性或標誌性的建築物,一些現代教堂會使用簡約形體或另類材料。...



昆明, 2015


Hong Designworks

Office of New Silk Road E-Commerce Company

Xi'an, 2019

New Silk Road Office — A space where colour palette coordinates with form In the modern home, colour harmonies which are definitely archi...

Approach Architecture Studio

Dashilar Urban Revitalization

Beijing, 2012

Dashilar, located in the center of Beijing, southwest of Tiananmen Square, covers an area of approximately one square kilometer and has a...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

BEN MOO Exhibition Hall

Wuhou District, Chengdu, 2022

The "BEN MOO Brand Exhibition Hall", located on the fifth floor of Fusen-Noble House in Nanmen, is one of the latest works carefully plan...


Mahjong School Philanthropists: A Father to son…

Hong Kong, 2017

Dear friends, I wish to share with you a story of one of our clients, Jeffrey Kwok and his father, who are both philanthropists from Hon...



承德, 2021

北京以北,一个以拥有明长城遗迹而闻名的山谷,一座半室外的音乐厅。 音乐厅位于山谷底部,犹如一块巨石奇迹般地降落在这里。整座建筑由混凝土浇筑,混凝土骨料来自当地富含矿物质的岩石。倒锥形的结构里包含了半露天的剧场、室外舞台、观景平台和一些服务空间。从声学的角度,巨石内部的...



金华市, 2014

通过一个实验性工程,重点探索了如何与洪水为友,建立适应性防洪堤、适应性植被和百分之百的透水铺装的设计,来实现景观的生态弹性,以及与洪水相适应的构筑物设计。实验检验了海绵城市的极端措施:城市与洪水为友。   1场地与挑战   燕尾洲地块位于金华市多湖片区东市街以西...


Xiantong Experimental School Library

Shenzhen, 2017

Working on social projects helps us to explore designs with a humanistic approach. We hope that the spaces we design will engage their us...

Plasma Studio

Xixian Eco-Restaurant and Gate

Xi'an, 2014

Based on the eco-strategy of the overall park, the restaurant has as an organic set up, with a menu centered on Xian’s regional produce a...

Various Associates

Vanke Nantou Gallery

Shenzhen, 2020

Nantou Ancient Town— witness of the city's history for millennia Nantou Ancient Town Renovation and Upgrade is a project launched to in...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...



屯门, 2009

嶺南大学社区学院是一系列继光隆小学之后,在现代高密度的多层建筑中,体验中国传统合院空间关系的系列作品之一。 这个设计同时将建筑主要量体拉高脱离地面,原有的地形草坡与原生树种得以保留,并透过不同高度的序列合院串联了原有校园的主要建筑群和宿舍区,成为学生在校园中的动线和活动的新...

hcreates interior design

Mini Cuppa

Shanghai, 2021

hcreates recently opened a new café for Mini Cuppa in the Sky Soho development in Hongqiao, Shanghai. The client wanted a fun and cosy s...

Atelier XI

Peach Hut

Jiaozuo, 2020

In the beginning, the architect received the original commission to design a 300-square-meter public building forfacilitatingthe county’s...

Atelier Right Hub

Sound Therapy of Singing Bowl|Soul Realm SPA…

Hangzhou, 2021

When we are in the post-pandemic period, the pandemic discussion has shifted from un-derstanding the spread of the COVID-19 virus to cons...



Shanghai, 2022

This 10-story twin tower on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a clear-cut center-core office building. The cantilevered struc...

Hou Liang Architecture

The Earth Memorial

Sichuan, 2008

Time: 2008.06 Location: Sichuan, China Building area:10,492 m2 The Great Earth Memorial —&mdash...



秦皇岛市, 2006

本案例展示了如何用最少的干预,过艺术的介入,使流进城市的河漫滩便成为城市公园。项目中,原有河漫滩的植被和栖息地得到最大限度的保留,在此自然本底之上,引入一条红色飘带---坐凳,并结合架空的木栈道, 1场地与挑战 项目位于河北省秦皇岛市汤河的下游河段,北起北环路海...


Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions

Yangshuo, Guilin, 2020

The Impression SanjieLiu, Yangshuo, Guilin is located in one of the most dramatic landscapes in China. Endless greenery surrounds the sit...


V Spot

Shanghai, 2017

NO BOUNDARY People who start to pick out goods when they enter a sex toy shop space, normally they are embarrassed and too shy to tell. ...


Star Place

Kaohsiung, 2008

A vibrant new landmark has appeared in the fast and modern city of Kaohsiung: the luxury shopping center Star Place. Both outside and ins...



绵阳 , 2015

浮生御温泉度假村坐落在四川北部罗浮山脚下。四周有绿树环绕和寺庙点缀。这是一个由水塑造而成的场地。河流蜿蜒过村庄,还有来自地下热水井而自然溢出的温泉。这里是中国传统的温泉区域之一。 从我们的项目一开始,这些迷人的风景就对设计的概念产生了强烈的影响。 浮生御度假村一直是我们...


Quzhou Stadium

Quzhou, 2022

MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong, has completed Quzhou Stadium, the centerpiece of a complex spanning almost 700,000 square meters that ...

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