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项目 所有(779)

Drawing Architecture Studio

Learning from Macao 

Learning from Macao is a mural Drawing Architecture Studio created for Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021, as a commission by the Cul...



雅鲁藏布江位于在西藏南部山区,并形成了一些深达5000多米的壮观峡谷。格嘎温泉位于派镇附近,南迦巴瓦峰(7782米)脚下的一个小山谷中。 温泉设计以景观设计的方式在山谷中挖洞。从建筑外围来看,除了穿透地坪抵达温泉的通道,几乎无法察觉什么。

Environmental Planning Studio

Tibet Hotel Project 

[credit] architect: Ken Hashimoto/EPS co-architect: Yasuaki Okada/Yas Architects co-designer: Miki Takayama [data] location: Tibet, China scope of...


TaiKoo Hui (GZ) Premium Washroom 

We wish to create an experience of outdoor alleys and plaza – a reminiscence to European elegance and fineness – to this premium washroom amidst to...

杂志 所有(1506)


A Trio of Immersive Artworks at Coachella 2024 

The 23rd Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is taking place over two weekends in April at the…


72 Social Housing Units at the Marina del Prat Vermell 

The Marina del Prat Vermell in Barcelona is preparing for a future of significant change with the…


This Week in Lawsuits 

A US federal judge has halted the demolition of Greenwood Pond: Double Site, a 1996 work of…


Ando's MPavilion Extended a Full Year 

The Naomi Milgrom Foundation — the commissioner of the annual MPavilion — and the City of Melbourne…

活动 所有(1)