
简介 所有(45)

项目 所有(614)



北京是以东西轴和南北轴为基础而建造的城市,几乎所有城区都沿其方向成长方形。 建筑物及其外观也都是按照正南正北或者正东正西方向建造。建筑密度低时,街道整齐美观,正向建筑的优点可以充分体现。 但是密度一旦超过300%,相邻建筑的立面距离过近,北向居室的增加等问题就会产生。 ‘北京冲击’是一个...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Di-Matrix Office 

An office design in which decoration is used not only for decorating the surface, but also for organizing the space.



This is a complex facility for a library and day service for the elderly built in a small rural town. Since the site faces a residential street an...

Golucci Interior Architects

Multifunctional hall & restaurant space at National Centre for the Performing Arts of China 

In 1999, French architect Paul Andreu completed his classic design of the National Centre for the performing arts. In 2007, the National Centre for...

杂志 所有(216)


(Re)Discovering Portaluppi 

Although the name Piero Portaluppi was unknown to me when I came across two old monographs on the…


More Than Curtains 

Four years in the making, Art Applied is the third and latest book by Petra Blaisse on her…


What Students Learn at the Academy of Architecture 

The traditional annual exhibition of the Academy of Architecture in the Swiss canton of Ticino is…


Worlds of Space and Color 

The exhibition "drawing in space" by Sauerbruch Hutton provides an insight into the reflection and…

活动 所有(1)

29 June 2024 to 5 January 2025

I. M. Pei: Life Is Architecture