
项目 所有(8)

EXH Planning Architecture Interior




Dongguan Toy Factory 

本项目为一家世界级的玩具制造厂提供一栋五层楼的装配与储存空间。基地位于具有“世界工厂”之称的东莞。 设计的挑战性在于:建筑需兼备趣味性、实用性、耐久性,而且要符合工厂的整体形象—-务实的管理层和熟练的工人所组成的团体,并维持每平方米1000元人民币的低廉造价。 作品探讨珠三角工业城市中,...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Chuan Hsi Pa Tzu · Teahouse 

The rich and fertile land of west Sichuan has given birth to countless special flavours that dominate people’s food throughout the year. CHUAN HSI ...

Atelier TeamMinus

Aranya Qixing Youth Camp 

The building is built for Qixing Education, a successful Chinese company that offers summer and winter school programs for children and the youth. ...

杂志 所有(11)


A Growing Cluster 

Number of skyscrapers in London’s “City Cluster” area that are either under construction, given…


Geoffrey Bawa and 'The Genius of the Place' 

The Genius of the Place: The Life and Work of Geoffrey Bawa is a new documentary, directed by Sri…


Homes, Not Hospitals 

Number of beds for elderly residents in the micro nursing homes built by the nonprofit Green House…


Keeping It Modern 2020 

The Getty Foundation has announced the thirteen recipients of grants in its seventh — and final —…