
简介 所有(1)


BaO Architects 

项目 所有(19)

Chang Bene Design

Two to One House 

Two existing adjacent 1920’s European-style stucco buildings were combined into one residence totaling 3500 SF. Extensive structural alterati...


National Art Museum of China 

''Stone Drums'' and ''MO BAO'' – This design for the NAMOC presents an emblem of Chinese c...

BaO Architects

Pink Tower 

BaO was invited by the Beijing Design Week to design and build an installation for the 2014 Dashilar BJDW pop-up forum space hosting a series of ta...

ShuShe Architecture


设计机构:殊舍建筑 项目地点:山东德州市建筑面积:2.5万平米设计时间:2014年3月—2014年6月设计团队:何红才 李伟 陈应坤 刘家玉 金磊 何宏仕 简介:本项目位于山东德州市,建筑面积2.5万平米。此基地具有一定的特殊性,限高50米,东面、南面和北面都有高楼遮挡,且前后距离很近。只有...