
简介 所有(29)

项目 所有(446)

Drawing Architecture Studio

Di-Matrix Office 

An office design in which decoration is used not only for decorating the surface, but also for organizing the space.

Chang Bene Design

Hong Kong Schools 

The design of the schools creates a playful but dignified atmosphere for learning. Merit Award for Interiors, American Institute of Architects.

Drawing Architecture Studio

Living Together 

Living Together is a terracotta mural DAS created for the Gan Keng Station of Line 10 of Shenzhen Metro. Taking the urban village of Shenzhen as th...


杭州禧玥酒店 钱江新城 

在繁忙的都市生活里面,我们总是渴望片刻的静谧以及闲适,避居是远离都市喧嚣的极致向往,但就如同苏轼所言「小隐于野」最终总是一个理想,如果可以中隐在城市中,成为我们生活的一部分,便可得长闲胜暂闲。 杭州有着丰富的传统文化和独树一格城市魅力,禧玥酒店位于新开发区,与古城相辉映的是周遭环绕的新式当代...

杂志 所有(280)


Lloyd Wright's Wayfarers Chapel to Be Disassembled 

The creepy (slow-moving) landslide of Portuguese Bend forced the closure of Wayfarers Chapel…



The slanted walls of this eight-story office building in Tokyo appear anti-social, even aggressive…


Prefab on Permanent Display 

A. Lawrence Kocher and Albert Frey's experimental Aluminaire House, which was built in New York…


Touring Tirranna 

Stuart Graff, president and CEO of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, gives a tour of Tirranna, a…