
项目 所有(67)




Chang Bene Design

House in the Sky 

A conventional flat was transformed into a loft-like space that incorporates living and working, with a new pavilion on the roof set in a Japanese-...

Think Evolution Architecture

3D 家 

我們將這香港典型狹小公寓改為開放式住宅,首先拆掉室內牆來加大 "共用空間" (廚房、吧台、客廳和閱讀角)。亮點是浴室,我們拆走舊磚牆,然後換上鋼架和玻璃,把浴室變成一個發光的盒子。睡房很簡單:你可以在此憩睡!

Slade Architecture

Barbie Cafe 

Slade Architecture designed the Barbie Café and B-Bar on the sixth floor of the Barbie Flagship store in Shanghai, China as an immersive din...

杂志 所有(18)


The Architecture of Portability 

Price of a flat-pack home for landless people living in Bangladesh’s river deltas who are…


Tokyo's Trendy Tiny 'Cocoons' 

Size of a "three–tatami flat" in a nihonma, a home in a Japanese city with a rent of $340 to $630…


The Costs of 2 Bedrooms in 2 Cities 

Number of city-center two-bedroom flats one could buy in Egypt for the price of one city-center…


A Flat-Pack Stair 

Klapster is a space-saving auxiliary staircase that folds up neatly against the wall when not in…