
项目 所有(19)

COCC. and coherent AG

Christian Fischbacher Flagship Store 

“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them“ - David Hume Our design story tells you a tale a...



位於香港牛頭角下邨的東九文化中心旨在成為跨越觀塘、黃大仙、九龍城、西貢及啟德發展區五個社區的藝術演出及文化活動核心,提供一千二百個座位的大型劇院、五百五十個座位的中型劇院、二百五十個座位的黑盒劇場及一百二十個座位的音樂室,以及其他文化配套設施。 設計包含有一個高滲透度、無縫地接連周邊人流...

Lagranja Design

Hotel Madera Signature Suites  

Our first project in Asia. The top four floors of a new build hotel in Kowloon, a district in Hong Kong and probably the place with the highest pop...

hcreates interior design

Oh Yeah! Brewing Beijing 

Beijing welcomes Oh Yeah Brewing to the fold with its new local brew on a grand scale. The city has always been the heart of the growing craft scen...

杂志 所有(17)


Saving the Seventies 

In Berlin, the famed “Mäusebunker” (Mouse Bunker), previously under threat of demolition, has been…


Kol Rinah Synagogue 

Kol Rinah Synagogue is located on the edge of Downtown Clayton, a busy business district just west…


A Tree Falls in Sarthe 

Estimated number of oak trees at least 200 years old needed to restore the spire of Notre-Dame de…


Oak Pass Residence Addition 

Gerhard Heusch, founder of Heusch Inc. has unveiled a 1,500-sf underground office addition to his…