
项目 所有(5)



这是一次关乎环境、身体与心灵的建构体验。 项目位于云庐酒店所在的杨家村背后的山脚下的一个台地上。透过对场地进行最少量的平整和对周边植被及景观视野的最大保留,设计将一组近乎等比例、等面积的泳池和瑜伽亭平行并置于场地当中,形成整个酒店空间序列的制高点。 泳池占地范围同瑜伽亭相当。地势低处为无边...


Temple Park Entrance & Sport 

Longtou Temple Park – Entrance-Building: Im Herzen der chinesischen Großstadt Chongqing wird der "Longtou Temple Park" angelegt, ein Landschaftspar...

Studio Qi Architects

ANNSO HILL : Untold Beauty 

ANNSO HILL, located in Heshun, Yunnan, is a drastic L-shape architecture situated alongside an alleyway market and connects to the serene forest at...

hcreates interior design

The Clinic 

Premium healthcare and access to rehabilitation services are growing trends in the China healthcare market. Collectively the clinic team had spent ...

杂志 所有(1)


Pedagogy and Place 

The Yale School of Architecture (YSoA) is celebrating its centennial and the tenure of outgoing…