
项目 所有(14)


Yanan Zhong Lu Park 

Yanan Zhon Lu Park consists of 23 hectares of green space located in the heart of Shanghai. The design of the park makes reference to the city&rsqu...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Shede Visitors Center 

Location + Site The project is in a company town named Tuopai Zhen in Sichuan where the distillery of Shede, an old liquor brand in China, is based...

Atelier Deshaus

Blossom Pavilion 

Blossom Pavilion is a cooperative spatial device with artist Zhan Wang, which is also one of the spatial art pieces project of Shanghai Urban Space...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


二十世纪七十年代末,深圳成为经济特区。香港招商局受命创办蛇口工业区。蛇口工业区的管理办法和经验被称为 “蛇口模式”,引领了深圳乃至中国其后40年的经济腾飞。招商局成立于1872年,为迎接招商局150年华诞, 决定在蛇口微波山顶建造招商局历史博物馆,弘扬蛇口精神,致敬改革开放的先驱。 都市...