关于“bet game【Aurl:www.8233066.com】送888元.qvbf”的结果

项目 所有(431)


Lingbao Children’s Center 

A Park Embedded into Community Lingbao City is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. This was a building r...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center 

Folded Horizontal Lines – Architectural Design of the Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center Location and background of Project The project is l...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Learning from Macao 

Learning from Macao is a mural Drawing Architecture Studio created for Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021, as a commission by the Cul...



竹海国家公园占地10000公顷,位于中国西南部的贵州省,以独特的竹海为特色,构成了主要的旅游景点。 当地旅游部门决定推广景观项目,总面积22,000平方米,以提高对原始地貌和本地物种保护的意识。 入口建筑被设计成一组类似于竹海的密集的线条集,一个更密集的集群,可以在竹海中随意拦截。由此巧...

杂志 所有(84)


SOM Completes Schwarzman College of Computing at MIT 

The new home for the Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing at the Massachusetts Institute of…


A Richard Neutra House, Redecorated 

Architectural Digest presents a short film, narrated by A-list celebrities, that takes viewers…


Prof. Michael F. Rohde: »Nature is inspiration and can be helpful for successful lighting design.« 

Lighting design has come a long way in the last two decades. What used to be part of electrical…


Restoring the Brick House at the Glass House 

The Glass House, a site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, has announced the…