关于“bingo litoral 【Aurl:www.8233066.com】.wvbw”的结果

项目 所有(254)

Atelier Zhouling

Students Dormitory of Nanjing University of Science & Technology 

The site is on the important central axis towards the Purple Mountains, the biggest green area in the city of Nanjing. The proposal gives att...



谭秉荣 + 吕元祥建筑师事务所,与西九文化管理局携手设计及塑造一座世界级的场地,以保存丶发展及推广这项重要的中国传统文化艺术。戏曲中心是西九文化区内 17 个核心文化艺术设施中最早开放使用的场地,将提供一个让戏曲界互动的平台,以发展及制作最优秀的粤剧及其他中国戏曲表演,并吸引新的观众,推行...


CO2 Pavilion 

叠术建筑为2018年北京设计周设计了CO▪贰装置,一个与城市的混乱嘈杂隔离开,感受独立与思考的封闭的空间。这个装置同时也是一个三维投影屏幕,在多层次的空间进行各种类型的表演。建筑、音乐、视觉艺术和灯光艺术结合在一起,以震撼的视觉冲击,层次丰富的听觉感受来提高人们对于居住的城市环境的认识。 位于...


Ban(半) House 

Brick and wood structure buildings, which exist in large numbers in rural areas, have obvious deficiencies in seismic capacity, lighting, and therm...

杂志 所有(205)


SOM Completes Schwarzman College of Computing at MIT 

The new home for the Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing at the Massachusetts Institute of…


Living with Nature 

Cost of a DIY home in California built by using cob, earth, water, hemp, straw and only paying for…


WENG’s Factory / Co-Working Space 

Architect Nonsense is a young studio in Bangkok whose second project involved the transformation of…


The Vibes Co-Space 

Infinitive Architecture introduces The Vibes, a low-rise multi-functional building designed to…