关于“site de apostas deposito minimo 1 real 【Aurl:www.8233066.com】.lbzv”的结果

项目 所有(95)



本案例展示了如何用最少的干预,过艺术的介入,使流进城市的河漫滩便成为城市公园。项目中,原有河漫滩的植被和栖息地得到最大限度的保留,在此自然本底之上,引入一条红色飘带---坐凳,并结合架空的木栈道, 1场地与挑战 项目位于河北省秦皇岛市汤河的下游河段,北起北环路海洋桥、南至黄河道港城...

Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten

Liangzhu Culture Museum 

As early as 3,000 years ago people settled in the region along the banks of the Yangtze River. The new Liangzhu Culture Museum was erected in comme...

Atelier Deshaus

Tea House in Li Garden 

Our design for the Exception Clothing is a teahouse in a small courtyard (around 100 square meters) where a tall paulownia grows. The courtyard, en...

Praxis d'Architecture



杂志 所有(5)


An Expensive Graffiti Barrier 

Amount the Los Angeles City Council has approved to set up barriers, install an all-encompassing…


Elon Musk's Utopian Company Town 

Estimated size of land billionaire businessman Elon Musk and his companies (Boring Co., SpaceX,…


Access Denied 

Distance requested to bump out the front door of a private residence in a historic district on New…


Timber Adaptive Reuse Theater 

The Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn is turning from an infamous Superfund site into a cultural district…