

Tank Shanghai

Shanghai, 2019

Along the banks of Shanghai's Huangpu River, five decommissioned aviation fuel tanks once stood abandoned on an empty industrial site. To...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


南京, 2018

由栋栖设计的uniuni咖啡店坐落于南京江宁金鹰商场一层。Uniuni是富于创新精神的精品咖啡品牌,在咖啡竞技和烘焙零售方面有独到见解。 在充分领会了品牌精神的基础上,传统的空间模式被打破,体验、售卖、咖啡师操作及客座各部分功能被混合揉捏、重新组织。四个弧形吧台散布在...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


上海, 2018

栋栖改造了位于上海M50创意园区的一栋历史工业建筑顶层,作为安至品牌文化的概念店-安至熵场。熵场展示佛龛及其周边产品,同时也融入艺术家林万山的交互艺术装置--一个虚拟佛龛。旨在营造一个具有精神空间属性的零售展示空间。 空间的概念源自一个微微偏离原有空间平面几何中心...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


常州, 2018

坐落于常州的初饭轻食店,由栋栖设计,通过空间的限定和材料的选择,将活跃轻快、温润质朴的品牌特性予以充分的还原。 概念设计之初,欧洲集市的概念被引入空间规划之中。空间由功能使用的需要,划分为面包烘焙、咖啡和水吧三个区块。S形人行流线从三个区块中穿行而过,连接了位于两端的...


Four Pieces of Different Scale Furniture

Hangzhou, 2017

Four Pieces of Different Scale Furnitures Background The project is located in the Singapore Science Park in Xiasha district of Hangzh...


Boundary House

Luohe, 2019

Primer Going back to three years ago, the day when I thought of "Boundary House". I met Sun Zhaoyang in the winter evening of 2016. D...



Shanghai, 2018

This urban renewal project is located in Shanghai, Changning district. A shut down chemical factory has been converted into a lively urba...



上海, 2019



Red Note House on the Horizon

Anji, 2019

Shanchuan Township, surrounded by mountains, which is located at the southernmost tip of Anji County, Hangzhou City, China. We designed a...

CL3 Architects

H Code


Project Name: H Code Completion: October 2018 Site Area / Floor Area: 842 m² /12,635 m² Location: 45 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong...

CL3 Architects

Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan

Beijing, 2019

Project Name: Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan Category: Hospitality Completion Time: April 2019 Site Area: 15,625 m² Location: Beijing, Chi...


San She House

Beijing, 2018

A Nostalgic Space at the foot of the Great Wall Being situated in Beigou Village, Huairou, at the foot of the Mutianyu Great Wall, Beij...


San Sa Village

Beijing, 2019

"San Sa", formerly named as "The Third Hometown", refers to a social space created for an introspective group of people who seek a space ...



兰州, 2019

1场所与地点: 东乡文化中心位于甘肃省东乡族自治县唐汪镇马巷村。马巷村除南面以外三面被黄河的支流洮河所环绕,虽然位于黄土高原上但是这里相对海拔较低,只有大约1700米左右。这里的地理位置优越,既是信仰穆斯林的东乡族同胞的定居地,也是汉族的传统村落同时由于紧邻藏区,所以这里也...

Atelier Right Hub

Mymory Boutique Hotel

Hangzhou, 2019

MYMORY boutique hotel in a rural old house is located in the foothill of Tianmu mountain scenic spot in Taihuyuan, Lin’an, Hangzhou. Surr...

Ippolito Fleitz Group – Identity Architects

SOHO 3Q WuJiaoChang

Shanghai, 2019

Aus Alt mach Neu. In Shanghai verwandeln wir ein ausrangiertes Kaufhaus in energiegeladenen Community Space. Coworking Spaces wie das S...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Public Medical Center

Nanjing, 2016

Nanjing Public Medical Center, surrounded by hills, with one thousand and two hundreds’ beds, is located in the Qinglong Mountain, which ...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Pack the Suitcase · Unfold the City for RIMOWA

Shanghai, 2019

The installation Pack the Suitcase · Unfold the City for the renowned suitcase label RIMOWA for its brand exhibition Beyond the City is a...

Studio Qi Architects

AIR & SUNSHINE : Stray Bird

Zhongwei, 2019

STRAY BIRD is a cutting-edge boutique hotel, located in an isolated oasis encircled by the Yellow River and Tengger Desert in Ningxia Aut...

Studio Qi Architects

ANNSO HILL : Untold Beauty

Tengchong, 2019

ANNSO HILL, located in Heshun, Yunnan, is a drastic L-shape architecture situated alongside an alleyway market and connects to the serene...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Chenghua Party School

Chengdu, 2019

The renovation of the public space of Party School of Chengdu Chenghua District Committee of C.P.C. is an experiment by Drawing Architect...

hcreates interior design

Central Studios

Shanghai, 2019

Central Studios provides a unique space for their clients to create photo and video productions right in the heart of one of downtown Sha...

hcreates interior design

Liquid Laundry

Xuhui District, 2015

Spread over a spacious 700sqm's this restaurant is split into four areas, cocktail lounge, beer and brewery, dining and pizza. An indust...


Sky Green

Taichung, 2019

In 2012 WOHA was invited by the Taichung City Government and Feng Chia University to bring its exhibition “Breathing Architecture” to Tai...

Lemanarc SA

Xiamen Nanyang College

Xiamen, 2010

This case is both the result of our value design and our attempt to gardenize the campus and educational space. On a limited plot of land...

Lemanarc SA

Xiamen Humanity Hospital

Xiamen, 2018

The project is located in the southwest corner of Wuyuan Bay, which is adjacent to Wetland Park in the north and Lakeside Reservoir in th...

Lichtvision Design

Wuyuan River Stadium

Haikou, 2018

Als erstes großes Sportareal auf der Insel Hainan ist das neue Wuyuanhe Stadium ein Bauprojekt einer übergeordneten Sport- und Kulturinfr...

Lemanarc SA

Shanghai Oriental Hospital

Shanghai, 2018

This project located in the Lujiazui area of Pudong District is the reconstruction of Oriental Hospital project. After the expansion, the...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital

Nanjing, 2012

Nanjing is an ancient Chinese capital, a traditional city. It has also become a megalopolis, one of the most populated cities in the worl...




植物山丘 在这家店铺中,建筑营试图为都市女性打造一个轻松、舒适、自然的环境。当人们从喧嚣的城市中抽离,走入这座绿色纯净的植物山丘,身体和心灵一同放慢节奏,尽情的享受“美丽”时光。 设计首先将整体空间划分为公共和私密两部分。公共部分为开放植物园。根据接待、等候、...




折叠院 项目位于北京东城区钱粮胡同一片院落之间,占地面积约410平方米。原有建筑并不是四合院常见的坡顶建筑,而是几个相互分离的砖混平顶房。平顶房应该是四合院某一时期被改建的结果,在旧城之中也有不少这样的房子。场地分前后两个部分,前部是一块空地,包含两个砖房和一棵老树;...



Tangshan, 2019

四合宅 该项目地处市郊,地势平坦,周边由果树林、农田和溪流环绕,风景优美。场地东侧比邻着一座粮食加工厂,这是由建筑营早年设计的坡屋顶围合式建筑。用地上曾有一栋木屋,是十多年前典型的木结构产品样式。为了追求更好的空间品质,户主决定对其拆除并在原址新建一座房屋。建筑的基本...




山居 山居是位于北京通州新光大中心ArtPark9第28层的一间客房。它是在都市高层建筑标准单元之中实现居住乐趣的尝试,也是一种对未来生活方式可能性的探索。 人类最初的居所是山洞。山洞是预先存在的,并不是为人类而存在。但是人根据身体行为定义了自然环境,使其可居。古人...




镜花园 由于各种历史原因,北京旧城区除了分布着四合院、大杂院之外,还混杂了一些单体建筑,这个项目就是对某处小型单体建筑进行的改造。原本平屋顶的房子被处理成坡屋顶建筑样式,缩小房屋体量以使其融入到胡同街区之中。房屋的使用功能设定为买手店,可以容纳展览、物品销售、轻餐甚至...


光影的庭园 ——鼎石物流办公楼

Tangshan, 2019

光影的庭园 ——鼎石物流办公楼 该项目位于市郊一处工业厂房区域之中。园区场地空旷平整,北侧比邻市政道路,南侧是城市尚未开发的空地。办公楼被规划于园区的中部,东西两侧分布着由松林、草坪、步道组成的庭院,南侧留下一片宽阔的前广场以及停车场。 办公楼东西长约85米,...




叠院儿 “叠院儿”隐藏于北京前门附近的一片传统商业街区之中,占地面积约500平米。原建筑是一座颇具民国特征的四合院商业用房。与民宅相比,这里的房屋较为高大。南侧沿街是一排拱形的门窗,北侧的房屋则建有两层。在本次改造之前,房屋结构均被整体翻建过,院内并没有门窗和墙面,裸...

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