

Glow Like That

Hong Kong, 2019

“Glow Like That” is the first contemporary art exhibition held by K11 Art Foundation on the 21st floor of Victoria Dockside, an office to...

Prol Lighting

Ahn Luh Guantang Resorts and Residence

Chengdu, 2021

Ahn Luh Guantang Resorts and Residence – A new Lighting mode for West Sichuan When one’s mind remains tranquil, one could create a whole...


杭州禧玥酒店 钱江新城

上城区, 2020

在繁忙的都市生活里面,我们总是渴望片刻的静谧以及闲适,避居是远离都市喧嚣的极致向往,但就如同苏轼所言「小隐于野」最终总是一个理想,如果可以中隐在城市中,成为我们生活的一部分,便可得长闲胜暂闲。 杭州有着丰富的传统文化和独树一格城市魅力,禧玥酒店位于新开发区,与古城相辉映的...

Atelier Right Hub

Sound Therapy of Singing Bowl|Soul Realm SPA…

Hangzhou, 2021

When we are in the post-pandemic period, the pandemic discussion has shifted from un-derstanding the spread of the COVID-19 virus to cons...

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