
Atelier Deshaus

Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain

Chengde, 2022

The Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain is not an ancient temple, but the ancient Great Wall at far is an unprecedented miracle. The estab...

CM Design



SMOORE Liutang Industrial Park locates in Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, at the northeast corner of the Liutang Park and adjac...



上海市青浦区, 2005

项目介绍 接待中心位于上海青浦淀山湖西岸,由一栋会所和三栋客房楼及其花园组成,是一处具有田园郊野特色的高级度假及会议接待设施。基地北、东两侧临水,北侧临河有一处船坞;场地东半部是以高大香樟和广玉兰为主的茂密树林。 在细致的江南乡野景色中营造建筑是...


Lingang New City

Lingang New City, 2020

Das Konzept greift die Ideale der tradierten europäischen Stadt auf, mit einer revolutionären Idee: Das Zentrum bildet ein kreisrunder Se...


Concept planning and architecture design for…

Guangzhou, 2011

In the embassy quarter of Beijing, on an estate of 200 m length and 45 m breadth, a high-rise building complex will be developed. The lar...







上海, 2015

滨江爱特公园位于上海北虹桥滨水景观带内,占地面积1.3公顷,兼具运动休闲,社区游憩及环保教育等功能。 原有基地内堆放大量建筑垃圾及土方,设计过程中本着土方在地消化及再利用的可持续理念, 利用石笼填充废弃建筑垃圾,形成标志性的地景构筑物。 最南侧的石笼墙体长202 米,高5米...


Jiaming Maple Park

Peking, 2017

Im Nordosten Pekings, im Industrie- und Gewerbegebiet an der 4. Ringstraße nahe dem 798 Art District, ist der „Jiaming Maple Park“ nach d...



香港, 2011


FAKE Design

9 Boxes-Taihe Complex

Beijing, 2004

After buying the entire development properties from the previous investor, the new developer was eager to transform these 9 houses, which...

knippershelbig GmbH

Bao'an International Airport

Shenzhen, 2013

Der Shenzhen Bao‘an International Airport liegt im Südosten von China und ist nach Peking, Shanghai und Guangzhou der viertgrößte Flughaf...


广东省广州市珠江新城核心区地下空间及中央广场建筑方案设计, 国际竞赛第四名

广东, 2005

广州市未来城市定位为-国际性区域中心城市。 作为华南地区交通枢纽和港口城市,未来广州将发展为我国主要对外贸易基地,国际性旅游城市,华南地区最大的商业、金融、科技、文化教育中心。 珠江新城位于广州市三大组团交汇的地理中心,将作为广州市21世纪城市中...

DnA Design and Architecture

Ordos Art Museum

Ordos City, 2007

Ordos Art Museum is the first building of Ordos new civic center on a stretch of sand dunes along lake that is dedicated as “public...

DnA Design and Architecture

Jiangyuan Shuian Villa

Inner Mongolia, 2006

Jiangyuan Shuian Villa is a private residence located on a vast Mongolian land facing Kaokao Shina Lake in Erdos, Inner Mongolia. The giv...

Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten

Liangzhu Culture Museum

Hangzhou, 2008

As early as 3,000 years ago people settled in the region along the banks of the Yangtze River. The new Liangzhu Culture Museum was erecte...

Case-Real / Koichi Futatsumata Studio

Issey Miyake SKP

Chengdu, 2022

The concept for this project involves using a simple circular glass wall to highlight the collection line of “ISSEY MIYAKE”. The location...

in+of architecture

Museum of Mao Badges

Anren, 2004

Located in Anren County in the near suburbs of Chengdu, Jianchuan Museum Precinct is a cluster of multi-purpose buildings developed...


重庆市渝中区十八梯片区总体策划与城市设计, 国际竞赛一等奖

重庆, 2009

作为重庆渝中区下半城旧城改造的重点,十八梯的改造面临着巨大的 困境。在重庆人的心目中,十八梯有着特殊的意义。在整个下半城,十八梯 是最具代表性和知名度的区域。 包含连接上下半城的重要节点和下半城最有生命力的商业街区,十八 梯应该延续上半城的商业文化品质,并保留...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2012

The renovation at the Eastern Industrial Area located in Nanshan district, Oversea Chinese Town (OCT) LOFT plays a very important role fo...

EXH Planning Architecture Interior


上海, 2011


pfarré lighting design

Bolon Eyewear

Shanghai, 2015

Bolon ist der größte Brillenhersteller in China und die drittgrößte Marke für Sonnenbrillen weltweit. Das Lichtkonzept wurde als integrat...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

UFIDA Software R+ D Center


UFIDA, 2004 UF Soft R&D Center consists of three inter-connected buildings. Two courtyards arise in between the buildings...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Treasure Box in the Desert Reception Center of…

Zhongwei, 2021

The project is located in the Tengger Desert of Zhongwei City, Ningxia, China which provides supporting services for a tent camp and also...



Beijing, 2021

中国的大环境在改革开放二十几年以来产生了巨大的变化,然而,在北京市郊怀柔区的北沟村却依然保持着一幅旧模样。 北沟,顾名思义,是北方村落的一处山沟,因为土地贫瘠,长期被外界和村民所嫌弃。2005年,北沟村新村委书记上任,目睹北沟村的萧条与荒芜,不甘贫穷落后的他决心带领村...



江苏省苏州市, 2007



Chaowai Men

Beijing, 2006

Chaowai Men This building is located in downtown Beijing's Central Business District. The urban environment around the site i...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Limestone Gallery

Anlong, 2017

Here is Anlong county in Southwest Guizhou province, where is the start point of Via ferrata in Anlong Limestone Resort. The destination ...


Beijing Image

Beijing, 2005

Beijing Image Residential This residential housing project, located at the corner of the forth ring road and Fucheng Road ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Ding Hui Yuan Zen & Tea Chamber

Beijing, 2016

This is a factory renovation project. Rebuilt into an office in its latest renovation, the old factory experienced several times of renov...

Atelier DYJG

动与静 ——北京中关村软件园运动花园

北京, 2004

项目位置:北京中关村上地 委托单位:北京中关村软件园发展有限责任公司 面积:1.2hm2 设计时间:2003年 建成时间:2004年 G4地块位于软件园西北角,规划布置3个网球场和2个篮球...

CL3 Architects

H Code


Project Name: H Code Completion: October 2018 Site Area / Floor Area: 842 m² /12,635 m² Location: 45 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong...


Dodo Art Museum

Beijing, 2017

Dodo Art Museum is located in the northeast part of Beijing Xiedao Resort, it occupies the former site of an idle factory building of uns...


Beijing Logo

Beijing, 2006

Beijing Logo From the very first beginning the conceptual design of the project was substantially influenced by the econom...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2006

Vanke Experiment Center (VEC) is located in the east exhibition hall of Vanke Architecture Research center, Shenzhen. The project is to c...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2007

位于深圳市龙岗区布吉镇的大芬村,是深圳著名的油画产业村,村中遍布油画复制品的创作坊。这里的油画出口到亚、非、欧、美各大洲,每年创造数亿元人民币的销售额。 然而大芬村的油画长久以来是被视为一种低俗艺术,是庸俗品味与商业运作的奇妙混合体。但政府看到这种创意产业的价值,于是...


SOHO Fuxing Lu

Shanghai, 2015

Die Französische Konzession im Herzen Shanghais ist von einzigartigen riegelartigen Gebäudestrukturen geprägt, den sogenannten Li Long. L...

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